In Home Strength and Balance

“We know, without a doubt, that people who have good leg and ‘core’ strength also have good balance. Building your strength will improve your balance, and help prevent a fall.” – Professor Matthew Parsons, Professor of Gerontology, University of Auckland


Does this sound like you?

  • Are you 75+ years old? Or 65+ years for Maori and Pacific Island people?
  • Have you had a fall in the past year?
  • Do you find it difficult to get out of a chair without using your hands?
  • Are you worried about falling?
  • Do you use a walking aid?
  • Do you have assistance with showering and/or dressing?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, talk to your GP or health professional to find out if In-Home Strength and Balance support is appropriate for you.


In-Home Strength and Balance involves:

  • A comprehensive assessment of your mobility and falls risk within the comfort of your home.
  • Education regarding the current best evidence to maintain your independence.
  • Prescription of an individualised home exercise programme, aimed at improving your strength and balance.
  • Ongoing support and monitoring via regular home visits and phone calls, for up to 12 months.
  • Provision of short and long term walking aids as required.
  • Onward referral to other health professionals as required, eg. GP, Community Nursing and Allied Health professionals, Podiatry etc


GPs and Practice Nurses: please refer using BPAC e-referral.

Allied health professionals, aged care and social services: please refer using the IHSB Referral Form link