The KiwiSport Regional Partnership Fund is a government fund allocated to all areas around New Zealand to raise the number of school-aged youth participating in quality “community sport” (play, active and outdoor recreation, and competitive sport).
increase the number of school-aged children participating in quality organised sport experiences.
increase the availability and accessibility of sport opportunities for all school-aged children.
support children to develop skills that enable them to participate confidently in sport.
- Developing the skills or confidence of children and young people in sport or active physical recreation
- Quality community sport experiences
- Physical activity in school settings but that does not replace PE curriculum
- Up-skilling Volunteers
- Projects that prioritise our region’s natural surroundings (e.g. tramping, mountain biking, open water sports like swimming, sailing, surfing, etc.)
- Projects that prioritise underserved communities, (e.g. coastal, rural, disabilities, young girls, Māori communities).
What KiwiSport can fund
KiwiSport supports essential costs such as:
- equipment purchase
- travel costs
- coach upskilling
- athlete skill development
- venue hire or;
- wages to deliver sessions.
When considering “essential costs,” think of this new project as existing separate from the core business of your club (the competitions you’re already running, the communities with whom your volunteers or paid coaches are already working, etc). What are the costs associated with running this new project?
What KiwiSport can NOT fund
The KiwiSport fund aims to support sustainable growth of community sport, therefore it does not fund:
- one-off events
- for-profit groups
- operational or business-as-usual costs for not-for-profit groups
(e.g. overheads, rent, insurance, existing staff wages, and other non-essential costs to a new project like catering, apparel, trophies).
Applications are now closed and will open again in August 2020