test landing page

At a glance

Top 10 Individuals

1stDarrenK2 – You have reached the Height of K2 8,611m. K2 is the second highest mountain in the world, after Mount Everest so you are nearly there. badgeUppers & Downers21653244
2ndIwanK2 – You have reached the Height of K2 8,611m. K2 is the second highest mountain in the world, after Mount Everest so you are nearly there. badgeUppers & Downers18044496
3rdRoseK2 – You have reached the Height of K2 8,611m. K2 is the second highest mountain in the world, after Mount Everest so you are nearly there. badgeGuinness Guzzlers18044280
4thLiamK2 – You have reached the Height of K2 8,611m. K2 is the second highest mountain in the world, after Mount Everest so you are nearly there. badgeUppers & Downers16139714
5thMarianneK2 – You have reached the Height of K2 8,611m. K2 is the second highest mountain in the world, after Mount Everest so you are nearly there. badgeAirbus10436816
6thJeremyK2 – You have reached the Height of K2 8,611m. K2 is the second highest mountain in the world, after Mount Everest so you are nearly there. badgeNo team assigned12630996
7thMikeK2 – You have reached the Height of K2 8,611m. K2 is the second highest mountain in the world, after Mount Everest so you are nearly there. badgeGuinness Guzzlers10826568
8thJenniferK2 – You have reached the Height of K2 8,611m. K2 is the second highest mountain in the world, after Mount Everest so you are nearly there. badgeHearts and Spades8921894
9thBrendanK2 – You have reached the Height of K2 8,611m. K2 is the second highest mountain in the world, after Mount Everest so you are nearly there. badgeHearts and Spades87.7521586.5
10thCraigK2 – You have reached the Height of K2 8,611m. K2 is the second highest mountain in the world, after Mount Everest so you are nearly there. badgeBlenheim Bandits6021240

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Top 10 Teams

PositionTeamNo. MembersClimbsAvg. Cli/MemMetres
1stUppers & Downers768998170358
2ndBlenheim Bandits1442530148506
3rdGuinness Guzzlers10452.745117412.2
4thHearts and Spades11264.752465128.5
7thZOO CREW13183.91454149.4
8thYour Pace Run Group12153.21352245.6
9thTakorika Trampers5193.53947709
10thRarangi Ramblers81431842954

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